142 research outputs found

    Simple platelet markers: Mean platelet volume and congestive heart failure coexistent with periodontal disease. Pilot studies

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    Background: Conducted pilot study concerning mean platelet volume (MPV) parameter among patients suffering from congestive heart failure and periodontal disease. Methods: Examination of dynamic changes of platelet and periodontal markers in group of 50 patients before and an average of 6 months subsequent to professional periodontal treatment. Results: Both platelet and periodontal parameters decreased after periodontal treatment, what is more, the decrease of MPV value due to periodontal disease/mm improvement was shown to be statistically significant (p = 0.05). Conclusions: Improvement of periodontal status may influence decrease of MPV value and increase of congestive heart failure treatment efficacy and effect patient comfort. It is a new, not frequently used pattern of chronic disease treatment optimalization

    Portable heat pump testing device

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    The aim of this paper is to present the design and working principle of a portable testing device for heat pumps in the energy recirculation system. The presented test stand can be used for any refrigerating/reverse flow cycle device to calculate the device energy balance. The equipment is made of two portable containers of the capacity of 250 liters to simulate the air heat source and ground heat source with a system of temperature stabilization, compressor heat pump of the coefficient of performance (COP) of = 4.3, a failsafe system and a control and measurement system

    Data recording systems of modern aircraft

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    W artykule omówiono systemy rejestrujące parametry lotu i pracy samolotu F-16, który od 2006 roku znajduje się na wyposażeniu Wojskowego Lotnictwa Polskiego. Systemy te odpowiadają za bezpieczeństwo lotu płatowca i pilota, od rejestracji podstawowych parametrów pracy takich jak jednostkowe zużycie paliwa, przez rejestracje obrazu i wspomaganie walki powietrznej, aż po rejestracje parametrów hamowania podczas lądowania płatowca. Dzięki nowoczesnej technologii, m.in. dzięki opisanym w tym artykule urządzaniach, samolot F-16 jest uznawany za jeden z najlepszych samolotów bojowych świata.The article presents systems which record parameters of flight in modern aircraft F-16, which was delivered to Polish Airforce in 2006. These systems are responsible for the flight safety. Systems records basics parameters of plane and engine, as specific fuel consumption or height of flight, also provides video and audio recording, and aerial combat assistance. These systems record even failures of a braking system during landing. Thanks to modern technology, and devices like those described in this article, F-16 is one of the best fighters in the world